
Fellow Award


A Guideline for Selecting ASSMO Fellow Awardees
  1. (Purpose)
    The ASSMO Fellow Award is given for the researchers and engineers who made great contribution to Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (SMO) through activities of ASSMO.
  2. (Award committee)
    1. The award committee (“Committee” hereafter) is organized six months before the ACSMO. The Committee consists of six members mainly from the members of executive committee of the ASSMO.
    2. The Committee reports to the President of the ASSMO at most four awardees. It is important that the quality of award should be assured by allowing less awardees than four.
  3. (Eligibility of awardee)
    The awardee must be sixty years old or older on the last day of the year when the ACSMO is held.
  4. (Selection of awardees)
    1. The selection of the award is announced five months before the ACSMO.
    2. The applicants submit the one-page form clearly describing his/her academic and professional records, contribution to research and/or application in industry, and contribution to ASSMO.
    3. Application is closed three months before the ACSMO.
    4. The Committee selects the awardees through e-mail and video discussions one month before the ACSMO.

  5. Date: February 06, 2018